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I Quaderni del CIRM

Il Centro pubblica dal 2021 con regolarità la collana “I Quaderni del CIRM” presso l’editore TAB. La collana contiene saggi provenienti dal gruppo di ricerca o frutto delle numerose collaborazioni internazionali:

Quaderni del CIRM

Adami Esterino

1) Adami, E. (2019) “LIVING IS WRITING. Metaphors of Representation in Hanif Kureishi’s The Last Word”, Kervan. International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, n. 23 special issue, pp. 39-51
2) Adami, E. (2018) Railway Discourse: Linguistic and Stylistic Representations of the Train in the Anglophone World, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne 3) Adami, E. (2018) “‘Good names’ in Indian English: Name-Giving Strategies and Symbolisms in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Novels”, in Casagranda, M., ed., 2018, Names and Naming in the Postcolonial English-Speaking World, Trento, Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, pp.141-157
4) Adami, E. (2016) “’Plants Have a Will of their Own’: the Construction of Botanical Metaphors and Symbols in the Literary Garden of (Postcolonial) India”, Kervan. International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies, Vol. 20, n. 1, pp. 95-106

Boggio Cecilia

1. Boggio, C., Coda Moscarola, F. & A. Gallice. 2020. “What is good for the goose is good for the gander? How gender-specific conceptual frames affect financial participation and decision-making”. Economics of Education Review, 75, 101952, pp. 1-40
2. Boggio, C., Fornero, E., Prast, H. & J. Sanders. 2018. “Seven Ways to Knit Your Portfolio: Is the Language of Investor Communication Gender Neutral?” In G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio, K. Grego & R. Doerr (a cura di). Specialised and Professional Discourse Across Media and Genres. Milano: Ledizioni, pp. 137-160
3. Boggio, C. 2017. “’Pensi che un bond sia un agente segreto?’ English as a lingua-not-so-franca in Italian Financial Communication”. In Cecilia Boggio & Alessandra Molino (a cura di). English in Italy: Linguistic, Educational and Professional Challenges. Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 61-86

Borgogni Daniele

- 2019 “Discourse and Representation in Emblematics: Hermeneutic and Ideological Implications of Stylistic and Cognitive Analyses”, Linguistics and Literature Studies 7.2, pp.75-86
- 2017 “Clipped Wings and the Great Abyss: Cognitive Stylistics and Implicatures in Abiezer Coppe’s ‘Prophetic’ Recantation”, Studia Anglica Posnanensia 52. 1, pp. 53-71
- 2017 “‘Revelling in dissolving views’: Conceptual Integration and Blending in Ford’s Mister Bosphorus and the Muses”, in Donatella Montini (ed.), Style and Stories. Contemporary Stylistics and Narrativity, numero monografico di Fictions. Studi sulla narratività XVI, pp. 49-59
- 2016 “Conceptual Metaphors and Proverbs as Interactive Communicative Strategies in a XVII-Century Ballad”, Journal of Advances in Linguistics 6, n. 3, April, pp. 1028-1037
- 2015 “‘Must I Needs Want Solidnesse Because by Metaphors I Speak?’: Emblematics, Stylistics, Materiality”, Linguistics and Literature Studies 3 (2), pp. 75-82

Capra Daniela

CAPRA D., “Paremiologia e tradizione sentenziosa nella Zucca del Doni in spagnolo”, in Fraseologia, paremiologia e lessicografia, a cura di Elisabetta Benucci, Daniela Capra, Salomé Vuelta-García e Paolo Rondinelli, Roma, Aracne, 2018, pp. 215-226. ISBN 9788825514230 CAPRA D., “De ceca a meca: usos y variantes de una expresión a la luz de los estudios de corpus”, in Literatura Medieval (Hispánica): nuevos enfoques metodológicos y críticos, a cura di Gaetano Lalomia e Daniela Santonocito (coord.), Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla - Cilengua, 2018, pp. 139-154. ISBN 978-84-17107-77-2 CAPRA D. “Los refranes de La Zucca del Doni en Spañol”, in Serenísima palabra. Actas del X Congreso de la Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (Venecia, 14-18 de julio de 2014), a cura di Anna Bognolo, Florencio del Barrio de la Rosa, María del Valle Ojeda Calvo, Donatella Pini, Andrea Zinato, Biblioteca di Rassegna Iberistica, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2017, pp. 893-902 ISBN (print) 978-88-6969-164-5 CAPRA D. “Lenguaje económico de la prensa: fraseología y metáforas”, Costellazioni. Rivista di Lingue e Letteratura, 3 – 2017, pp. 199-218. ISSN 2532-2001 CAPRA D., “Il sale in zucca: proverbi, locuzioni e collocazioni nella traduzione della Zucca (1551) di Anton Francesco Doni”, in Fraseologia e Paremiologia. Passato, presente, futuro, a cura di Cosimo De Giovanni, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017, pp. 612-622. ISBN 97888-917 52864

Cuccio Valentina

- CUCCIO V., STEEN G. (2019). Deliberate Metaphors and Embodied Simulation, in Ignasi Navarro (ed.), Current approaches to Metaphor Analysis in Discourse, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton
- CUCCIO V. (2018). Attention to Metaphor. From neurons to representations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027202116
- GALLESE V., CUCCIO V. (2018), “The neural exploitation hypothesis and its implications for an embodied approach to language and cognition: Insights from the study of action verbs processing and motor disorders in Parkinson’s Disease”, Cortex – Elsevier, volume 100, p. 215-225
- CUCCIO V. (2017), Body-schema and body-image in metaphor processing, in B. Hampe (a cura di), Metaphor: From Embodied Cognition to Discourse, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107198333 - CUCCIO V., FERRI F., AMBROSECCHIA M., CARAPEZZA M., LO PIPARO F., FOGASSI L., GALLESE V. (2014), “How the context matters. Literal and figurative meaning in the embodied language paradigm”. PlosOne, 9(12) e115381. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115381. eCollection 2014

Denti Olga

- Denti, O. “A language in crisis: linguistic change and metaphorical patterns in EU financial stability reviews (2004-2010)”. In Elisabetta Gola and Francesca Ervas (Eds.), Metaphor in Focus: Philosophical Perspectives on Metaphor Use. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 83-100. ISBN: 978-1-4438-4468-0. Co-author: Luisanna Fodde
– Denti O., Cross-cultural Representations in Tourism Discourse: The Case of the Island of Sardinia. Cagliari: AIPSA, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-95692-58-6.23
- Denti O., “St. Efisio di Elia. When Religious Tourism Defies Commodification”. In Anna Trono (ed.), Sustainable Religious Tourism: Commandments, Obstacles and Challenges, Lecce: Edizioni Esperidi, 2012, 249-259. ISBN 978-88-97895-01-5. Co-author: Luisanna Fodde

Diani Giuliana

1) Diani, Giuliana. 2020. "Health for kids. Multimodal resources for popularising health knowledge on websites for children". Lingue e Linguaggi 40: 67-93 2) Diani, Giuliana and Sezzi Annalisa 2019. "The EU for children: a case of web-mediated knowledge dissemination”. In S. Maci, M. Sala, M. Gotti (eds.), Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge: Variety in LSP. CERLIS Series (Research Centre on Languages for Specific Purposes). Università di Bergamo
3) Diani, Giuliana 2018. “Popularization of legal knowledge in English and Italian information books for children”. In Jan Engberg / Silvia Cacchiani / Karin Luttermann / Chiara Preite (eds.), Popularization and Knowledge Mediation in the Legal Field. Münster: LIT Verlag. (ISBN 978-3-643-90924-4) Diani, Giuliana 2015. “Exploring knowledge dissemination strategies in English and Italian newspaper articles for children: a focus on legal issues”. Textus XXVIII, n. 2, 109-126. Title of the issue: English Legal Language and Translation, edited by Federica Scarpa / Jan Engberg. Roma: Carocci editore

Domaneschi Filippo

1) Panzeri F., Di Paola S., Domaneschi F. (2021) “Does the COVID-19 war metaphor influence reasoning?”, PlosOne, 16(4): e0250651
2) Baraldi M., Avanzino L., Pelosin E., Domaneschi F., Di Paola S., Lagravinese G. (2021) “Pragmatic abilities in early Parkinson's disease”, Brain and Cognition, 150, pp. 105706
3) Domaneschi., Bambini V. (2020) “Pragmatic Competence”, in Pavese C. & Fridland E. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Skill and Expertise, Abingdon: Routledge
4) Di Paola S. Domaneschi F., Pouscoulous N. (2019), "Metaphorical developing minds: The role of multiple factors in the development of metaphor comprehension". Journal of Pragmatics, 156, pp. 235-251

Dongu Maria Grazia

2020. Viaggiatori sentimentali e scientifici nel Distretto dei Laghi: i diari di viaggio di Thomas Gray e William Wordsworth. pp.379-400. In Mantua Humanitistic Studies. Volume XI - ISBN:9788833690889. In MANTUA HUMANISTIC STUDIES - ISSN:2612-0437 vol. 11 2020. Instructions to the Seed. Il progetto formativo dei primi quaccheri. pp.259-269. In Trasmettere il sapere, orientare il comportamento - ISBN:9788876678370. In QUADERNI DELLA RASSEGNA - ISSN:1824-2855 vol. 173 2019. Autobiografia di un quacchero: Metaformosi e significato delle riscritture. pp.37-63. In IL LETTORE DI PROVINCIA - ISSN:0024-1350 (152) 2017. Natura e morte al tempo della guerra secondo Lawrence. DOI:10.17456/SIMPLE-65. pp.173-181. In LE SIMPLEGADI - ISSN:1824-5226 vol. XV (17)

Errico Elena

(2020). Liminalidad, bilingüismo y autotraducción: Canícula de Norma Elia Cantú. In: L. Sanfelici e A. I. Foulquié Rubio (Eds.). Lingüística aplicada y traducción: entre investigación y didáctica. Bern: Peter Lang, p. 131-143
(2019). Metáfora y metonimia en Caras Viejas y Vino Nuevo de Alejandro Morales y en sus traducciones. In: J. A. Gurpegui Palacios (ed.). Hacia nuevas interpretaciones de la latinidad en el siglo XXI. Alcalá: Ediciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, p. 27-36
(2019). Traducir el Barrio: las dos versiones en inglés de Caras viejas y vino nuevo de Alejandro Morales. In C. Carrasco M. Cantarero Muñoz & C. Díez Carbajo (Eds.). Traducción y sostenibilidad cultural: sustrato, fundamentos y aplicaciones, Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca. p. 143-148

Ervas Francesca

1. Salis P., ERVAS F., Evidence, Defeasibility and Metaphors in Diagnosis and Diagnosis Communication, «Topoi», 2020, ISSN: 1572-8749. Doi: 10.1007/s11245-020-09698-y
2. ERVAS F., How nice does it sound? An argumentative approach to the affective aspects of irony, in J. Barnden, A. Gargett (eds.), Producing Figurative Expression: Theoretical, Experimental and Practical Perspectives, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2020, pp. 175-210
3. ERVAS F., Metaphor, Ignorance, and the Sentiment of (Ir)rationality, «Synthèse», on line first, 2019
4. ERVAS F., Natura multimodale e creatività del linguaggio poetico, «Rivista di estetica», 70, 2019, pp. 75-91 5. ERVAS F., Ledda A., Ojha A., Pierro G.A., Indurkhya B., Creative Argumentation: When and Why People Commit the Metaphoric Fallacy, «Frontiers in Psychology», 2018

Fedriani Chiara

Fedriani, Chiara. 2011. Experiential Metaphors in Latin: feelings were containers, movements and things possessed. Transactions of the Philological Society 109 (3): 307–326
Fedriani, Chiara. 2016. Ontological and orientational metaphors in Latin: evidence from the semantics of feelings and emotions. In William M. Short (ed.), Embodiment in Latin Semantics. Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 115-140
Fedriani, Chiara. 2019. The Embodied Basis of Discourse and Pragmatic Markers in Greek and Latin. In William M. Short & Egle Mocciaro (eds.), Toward a Cognitive Classical Linguistics. The Embodied Basis of Constructions in Greek and Latin, pp. 69-92. Berlin: De Gruyter
Fedriani, Chiara. 2020. Conventionality, deliberateness, and creativity in metaphors: toward a typology of figurative expressions in Latin semantics. CLUB Working Papers in Linguistics 4: 33-48
Fedriani, Chiara & Irene De Felice. In stampa. Me terror an furor movit? La concettualizzazione incarnata della paura e della rabbia nella lingua latina

Ferrari Federica

Federica Ferrari (2020). “The ‘transformative’ power of ‘integrated metaphor’ in counselling: applying and measuring its implemented potential”. In Dennis Tay (Guest Ed.) “Metaphor in Mental Healthcare”, Special Issue of Metaphor and the Social World, 10:2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 292-319. ( ISSN 2210-4070 | E-ISSN 2210-4097). Rivista scientifica – Area 10
Federica Ferrari (2020). “The ‘Transformative’ Power of Metaphor: Assessing its Unexplored Potential at the Crossroads between Static and Dynamic Instances”. In The Language of Crisis – How Metaphor, Metonymy and Frames Construct Crisis Discourse, edited by Mimi Huang and Lise-Lotte Holmgreen. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 199-229. ISBN: 9789027204967. (
Federica Ferrari (2018). “Emotion and Interaction in “Sustainable” Persuasion”. In Liliana Landolfi (Ed.) Framing Minds: English and Affective Neurosciences. Linguistica e Linguaggi, Vol 39. Napoli: Liguori, 72-80. (ISBN: 978-88-207-6773-0). • Federica Ferrari (2018). Metaphor and Persuasion in Strategic Communication: Sustainable Perspectives. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-73241-4 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-18846-1 (ebk) ISBN: 978-0-367-58424-5 (pbk)
Federica Ferrari & Jane Johnson (2018). “Analisi Metaforica e Stilistica dei Corpora in Prospettiva Contrastiva: Idee per Stimolare la Consapevolezza (Inter)Linguistica in Classe.” In Il testo letterario nell'apprendimento linguistico: esperienze a confronto, edited by Barbara Ivancic, Paola Puccini, Maria Josè Rodrigo Mora and Monica Turci, 25–38. Bologna: Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC). (ISSN: 1973-932X, ISBN: 9788898010813)

Fois Eleonora

‘The English Translation of Grazia Deledda’s La Madre and the Relevance of Culture in Translating Landscape Metaphor’, Cadernos de Tradução 40:2, 2020 ,112–130; ‘The Rendition of Metaphors and the Translator’s Influence in the English Translation of Grazia Deledda’s La Madre’, Palimpsest 5:9, 2020, 53-66

Gannuscio Vincenzo

Notizie dal fronte pandemico: metafore belliche nel public discourse sul COVID-19. In: Nocera, Gigliola (a cura di), Guerre, Conflitti e Crisi. Confinamenti e contaminazioni al fronte delle culture globali. Agorà & Co, Lugano-Sarzana 2020, pp. 131-157. (ISBN 978-88-89526-61-3) Metaphorische Perspektivierung im populistischen Steuer- und Immigrationsdiskurs der AfD und der Lega (Nord). In: “Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur”, 17. Jg. 2021, H. 01, pp. 95-111

Giaufret Anna

2018 (con Rossi, Micaela). La création collective de gastro-néonymes sur les réseaux sociaux. Le cas de l’anglais, du français et de l’italien. pp.435-446. In ÉTUDES DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUÉE - ISSN:0071-190X vol. 192 (octobre-décembre 2018) 2017 (con Rossi, Micaela). Traduire l'astrophysique: la métaphore terminologique. L'exemple du Destin de l'univers de Jean-Pierre Luminet. pp.71-93. In La traduzione. Esplorazione e metodi - ISBN:9788867878093 2016 (con Rossi, Micaela). La terminologie des énergies renouvelables à l'épreuve des textes. pp.103-126. In Lingue speciali. Dinamiche di ricerca - ISBN:978 88 6787 685 3 2016. Nommer et définir la guerrillagardening. pp.185-201. In Autrement dit : définir, reformuler, gloser. Mélanges en hommage è Pierluigi Ligas. - ISBN:978-2-7056-9156-1 2015 (curatela, con Bricco, E.; Rossi, M.; Murzilli, N.; Poli, S). Les Avatars de la métaphore. pp.1-200. In PUBLIF@RUM - ISSN:1824-7482

Giordano Michela

1) Giordano Michela, 2012, 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, Aipsa Edizioni, Cagliari 2) Giordano Michela, 2016, The Ultimate spinner, Metaphors of evil in Hillary R. Clinton's media coverage, in E. Gola, F. Ervas Metaphor and Communication, John Benjamins, pp. 201-216 3) Giordano Michela, 2013, Let us be on the right side of history: political discourse and rhetoric in the classroom, in Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, pp. 207-236

Giuliani Alice

- Contini, A,. Giuliani, A., Manera, L. (2020), Stories About Nature as Aesthetic Experience in Science Education, In Levrini, O. & Tasquier, G. (Eds.), Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2019 Conference. The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education, Part 2: Strand 2 (co-ed. Graca Carvalho, Vanessa Kind & Florence Le Hebel), pp. 175-183. Bologna: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna. 978-88-945874-0-1978-88-945874-0-1 - Giuliani, A. (2020), "Il significato metaforico in Max Black: interazione, conoscenza, innovazione", in A. Contini, A. Giuliani (a cura di), La metafora tra conoscenza e innovazione. Una questione filosofica. Mimesis, pp. 171-194
- Giuliani, Alice, “Max Black prima della metafora: la questione della «significanza»”, in Estetica. studi e ricerche 1/2017, pp. 31-44, doi: 10.14648/86774 - Giuliani, Alice (2016), “La metafora”, in Studi di estetica, anno XLIV, IV serie, 2016/1, pp. 222-229

Gola Elisabetta

Ervas F., GOLA E., Che cos’è una metafora, Carocci, Roma, 2016, ISBN: 978-88-430-8470-8
Ervas F., GOLA E., Rossi M.G. (eds.), Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-11-054992-8 E. GOLA, F. Ervas (Eds.), Metaphor and Communication, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN: 978-902-7202-093
GOLA E., «Metafora e potere cognitivo: una prospettiva evolutiva », Estetica. Studi e ricerche, Vol. VII, n. 1, 2017, Il Mulino
Numero su Metafora e conoscenza a cura di Anna Maria Contini, Ervas F., GOLA E., Rossi M.G., «Argomenti metaforici: come integrare persuasione e argomentazione», Rivista Italiana di filosofia del Linguaggio (RIFL), 2016. DOI: 10.4396/2016BC09

Hornung Antonie

Hornung, Antonie (2018): Warum es nicht egal ist, welche Sprache(n) man erwirbt. Wilhelm von Humboldt als Vordenker einer Theorie des sprachlichen Relativismus. In DU 2/2018, 15-25. Hornung, Antonie (2018): Der muttersprachliche Fingerabdruck in der Gedankenentwicklung beim Verfassen (vor-)wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten im Studium des Deutschen als Fremdsprache. DOI:10.3726/b15009. pp.138-169. In Wissenschaftliches Schreiben interkulturell: Kontrastive Perspektiven. - ISBN:978-3-631-77633-9

Iuliano Fiorenzo

1. “Porta dell’anima o amaro nutrimento: il cuore e i segni della vergogna nella cultura Americana”, Archivi delle emozioni, 1: 1, 2020 (pp. 41-58); 2. “Making and unmaking (im)possible worlds: language games, naming and necessities in ‘The Real Thing’”, The Henry James Review, 40: 2, 2019 (pp. 137-154); 3. “The Last of the Skyscrapers. Urban Myths and Dystopian Realism in Indian Killer’s Seattle”, in Michael Fuchs e Stephen Brandt, a cura di, Space Oddities: Difference and Identity in the American City, Wien, LIT-Verlag, 2018 (pp. 89-111); 4. “Il futuro è un groviglio che gira in tondo. Guerra, storia e identità in Mentre l’Inghilterra dorme di David Leavitt”, in Nicola Turi, a cura di, Raccontare la guerra. I conflitti bellici e la modernità, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2017 (pp. 309-327); 5. “Du côté de Fun Home: Alison Bechdel Rewrites Marcel Proust”, Partial Answers, 13: 2, 2015 (pp. 287-309)

La Vergata Antonello

A. La Vergata, L'equilibrio e la guerra della natura. Dalla teologia naturale al darwinismo, Napoli, Morano, 1990

Leonardi Simona

Leonardi, Simona. 2019. Metaphern und Identität in biographischen Interviews mit deutsch-jüdischen Migranten in Israel. 29. 77–108. * Leonardi, Simona. 2019. Metaphern in der Migration. Analyse narrativer Interviews mit deutschsprachigen Emigrant_innen aus dem nationalsozialistischen Machtbereich. In Radhika Natarajan (ed.), Sprache, Flucht, Migration. Kritische, Historische und Pädagogische Annäherungen, 75–94. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Leonardi, Simona. 2018. Metaphors in the life story of a German-Jewish immigrant to Palestine/Israel. How metaphorical constructions and remembering process interweave. Remembrance and Research - the journal of the Israel Oral History Association. ILOHA 2. 51–68
Leonardi, Simona. 2017. Metaphern in literarischen Texten. In Anne Betten, Ulla Fix & Berbeli Wanning (eds.), Handbuch Sprache in der Literatur (Handbücher Sprachwissen (HSW) 17), 160–181. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
Thüne, Eva-Maria & Simona Leonardi. 2015. Metafore e memoria in un’intervista narrativa del corpus IS (Emigrantendeutsch in Israel). In Barbara Gili Fivela, Elena Pistolesi & Rosa Pugliese (eds.), Parole, gesti, interpretazioni: studi linguistici per Carla Bazzanella (Neuropaideia 7). I edizione. Roma: Aracne

Luporini Antonella

1) Luporini, A. (2021) Metaphor, nominalization, appraisal: Analyzing coronavirus-related headlines and subheadings in China Daily and The Wall Street Journal. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 21(1), 253-273. Open access publication available here: 2) Luporini, A. (2019) Metaphor in times of economic change. From global crisis to cryptocurrency: A corpus-assisted study (Supplementi alla biblioteca di linguistica 26). Rome: Aracne
3) Luporini, A. (2019) Metaphors in times of crisis: Legitimising austerity? In K. Power, T. Ali and E. Lebdušková (Eds), Discourse Analysis and Austerity: Critical Studies from Economics and Linguistics. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 218-234
4) Luporini, A. (2017) 'In the depths of the world's credit crisis': Compelling synergies between conceptual and grammatical metaphor in a corpus-assisted study of the British and Italian financial press. In A. Baicchi and A. Bagasheva (Eds), Figurative Language We Live By: The Cognitive Underpinnings and Mechanisms of Figurativity in Language. Textus XXX (1), 169-184
5) Luporini, A. (2016) Grammatical metaphor through the lens of software? Examining 'crisis' in a corpus of articles from The Financial Times. In S. Alsop and S. Gardner (Eds), Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Digital Age. London: Equinox, 260-275

Marello Carla

E. Corino, C. Marello (2020), Interference and Linguistic Attrition in Students of Translation Dealing with Phraseology in Fabio Mollica, Paola Cotta Ramusino (eds.) Contrastive Phraseology: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Cambridgepp. 423-443 Marello, Carla; Masla Alina (2020) L’ellissi (del dato) in dialoghi italiani di russofoni e russi di italofoni, in Italiano linguadue .v. 12 N. 1 (2020), pp. 243-260 Janet DeCesaris, Carla Marello Perspectives on Front Matter in Monolingual Dictionaries of Spanish and Italian in “Lexicography” 2020 vol 2, 1-2, 135-149 Barbera, Manuel – Marello, Carla (2019). Corpus-based Text Linguistics in Borreguero Zuloaga, Margarita – Vitacolonna, Luciano (eds.), (2019) The Legacy of János S. Petőfi:Text Linguistics, Literary Theory and Semiotics Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 53-68 Carla Marello – Cristina Onesti Colourful microstructures. How Italian dictionaries see colour terms, in SILVESTRE, João Paulo / CARDEIRA, Esperança/ VILLALVA, Alina / (eds.) [2016] Colour and colour naming: crosslinguistic approaches. Dicionarística Portuguesa 5 Lisboa, CENTRO DE LINGUISTICA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA UNIVERSIDADE DE AVEIRO pp.91-104

Michelucci Stefania

“E.M. Forster: 'The Story of a Panic': An Anthropological Reading.” In E.M. Forster Revisited, edited by Gloria Lauri-Lucente, Francesco Marroni and Tania Zulli, Merope 61-62, 2015, pp. 93-114
“Flying Above California”: Il volo nella poesia di Thom Gunn, Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 29 2016, pp. 95-104
British Aristocracy in Popular Culture, ed. Stefania Michelucci, Ian Duncan and Luisa Villa, McFarland, Jefferson, 2020
D.H. Lawrence, La Volpe, edizione e traduzione di Stefania Michelucci, Marsilio, Venezia, 2017
“Topsy Turvy Deaths in DHL’s The Fox”, Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, LXXII, gennaio marzo 2019, pp. 37-43

Moretti Gabriella

Gabriella Moretti, Il personaggio nella sfera di cristallo: le meraviglie di un'immagine fra metafisica e astronomia, R. Barcellona T. Sardella (a cura di), Mirabilia, Miracoli, Magia, Ragusa 2017, pp. 183-214
Moretti, Gabriella, "La Maga Dialettica (fra metafore polemiche antiche, difficoltà esegetiche e varianti iconografiche: gli intricati sentieri dell’interpretazione)" in HUMANISTICA, n.s., v. 9, (2014), p. 219-247 G. Moretti; A. Bonandini (a cura di), "Persona ficta: la personificazione allegorica nella cultura antica fra letteratura, retorica e iconografia", Trento: Dipartimento di studi letterari, linguistici e filologici. Università degli Studi di Trento, 2012. - (LABIRINTI). - ISBN: 9788884434500 G. Moretti, "Sonorità della voce, sonorità delle ampullae, sonorità degli stili: trombe, flauti, timpani, cembali e sonagli. Appunti sulle metafore retoriche degli strumenti musicali" in AEVUM ANTIQUUM, v. 2007, 7, (2011), p. 137-153 • G. Moretti, "Mondi fittizi, oscure tenebre, ombre di sogni: appunti per una metaforologia metadeclamatoria e le sue connotazioni politiche" in A. Casamento, G. Petrone (a cura di), Studia … in umbra educata: percorsi della retorica latina in età imperiale, Palermo: Flaccovio, 2010, p. 55-99. - (Leuconoe. L'invenzione dei classici). - ISBN: 9788878044821

Nicolini Lara

Volume "Ad (l)usum lectoris. Giochi di parole in Apuleio", Bologna 2011. Articolo “In Spite of Isis”. Wordplay in Metamorphoses XI (an answer to Wytse Keulen), in "Aspects of Apuleius Golden Ass 3, The Isis Book, A Collection of Original Papers", Leiden-Boston 2012, pp. 28-41

Orlandi Adriana

Orlandi, Adriana (2020), Le paradoxe de l’adjectif, De Boeck
Orlandi, Adriana (2013), Le procédé de la déformation abstractive en traduction : le cas des traductions italiennes des Frères Zemganno (E. de Goncourt). In Fort, Camille ; Lautel-Ribstein, Florence (ed), La rhétorique à l’épreuve de la traduction. Actes du Colloque international « Rhétorique et traduction », organisé par la Société d'Études des Pratiques et Théories de la Traduction, et par le Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique de l'Université d'Orléans (Orléans, 26-27 janvier 2012), anagrammes, pp. 387-412
Prandi, Michele, Orlandi, Adriana (2011), Les emplois figurés des adjectifs : un bilan. In Amiot, Dany et al. (ed), Ars Grammatica. Hommages à Nelly Flaux. Berne : Peter Lang, vol. 95, pp. 161-174
Orlandi, Adriana (2010), Le lexique abstrait entre français et italien. Le cas des noms en -ment. In Battaglia, Anna ; Gardes Tamine Joëlle (ed), Synonymie et traduction. Du lexique à la rhétorique, « Synergies Italie », 6, pp. 107-119
Orlandi, Adriana (2009), Emplois conflictuels de l'adjectif et élaboration de l'Imaginaire dans les revues de voyage. In Cocco, Simona ; Pinna, Antonio ; Varcasia, Cecilia (ed), Corpora, Discorso e Stile. Corpora, Discourse and Style. Atti del Seminario internazionale di Linguistica, Sassari, 18-9 maggio 2007, Aracne, pp. 21-41

Paissa Paola

PAISSA P. – CONOSCENTI M. – DRUETTA R. – SOLLY M. (éds), Metaphor and conflict / Métaphore et conflit, Berne, Peter Lang, 2021
PAISSA P., Entre cohérence et conflictualité : des métaphores pour qualifier le silence, in Marco Fasciolo – Franck Neveu (éds), Le conflit conceptuel : de la grammaire aux métaphores, « Langue Française », 204, 4, 2019, pp. 53-69 PAISSA P., Le mot métaphore marqueur métadiscursif (MMM) : formes et fonctions discursives, in Paissa P. – Conoscenti M. –Druetta R. -Solly M. (éds), Metaphor and Conflict/Métaphore et conflit, Berne, Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 149-179
PAISSA P. – CONOSCENTI M. –DRUETTA R. – SOLLY M.(2021), Metaphor and Conflict: A Challenging Pair / Métaphore et conflit. Un binôme conflictuel, in Paissa P. – Conoscenti M. –Druetta R. -Solly M. (éds), Metaphor and Conflict/Métaphore et conflit, 2021, pp. 7-52
PAISSA P., L’adjectif berlusconien dans la presse française. Une illustration de l’emploi métaphorique d’un dérivé du nom propre en discours, « MOTS – Les langages du politique », vol. 110, 2016, p. 155-170.

Prandi Michele

Conceptual Conflicts in Metaphors and Figurative Language, Routledge, New York – Londra 2017
«Un outil linguistique pour l’analyse des textes littéraires: l’idée d’essaim métaphorique», Le discours et la langue, 10, 2, 2018: 63-84
«Une typologie des métaphores en vue de la traduction», in R. Trim, D. Śliwa (eds), Metaphor and translation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2019
«Ideas for a linguistic description of living metaphors», in A. Giuliani, A. Contini (a cura di), La metafora tra conoscenza e innovazione. Una questione filosofica, Mimesis, Milano – Udine, 2020: 85-104
Le metafore tra le figure. Una mappa ragionata, UTET, Torino, 2021

Rizzato Ilaria

Rizzato, Ilaria. 2019. “Translating figurative Language in Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona”. In Metaphor and Translation, edited by Richard Trim and Dorota Sliwa, 145–156. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Rizzato, Ilaria. 2021. “Shakespeare’s methaphorical swarms: Text functions in The Two Gentlemen of Verona and implications for its translation into Italian”. In Metaphor and Conflict/Métaphore et Conflit, edited by Paola Paissa, Michelangelo Conoscenti, Ruggero Druetta and Martin Solly, 339-357. Bern: Peter Lang
Rizzato, Ilaria. 2021. "Conceptual conflicts in metaphors and pragmatic strategies for their translation". Frontiers in Psychology 12, 1-8. Ilaria Rizzato, Francesca Strik Lievers, Elisabetta Zurru. 2021. "Theoretical, cultural, discursive, and diachronic variation in metaphor research: Overview of the book". In Variations on Metaphor, edited by Ilaria Rizzato, Francesca Strik Lievers and Elisabetta Zurru. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scolars Publishing. In press
Rizzato, Ilaria. 2021. "Conceptual conflicts in translation: a pragmatic perspective". In Variations on Metaphor, edited by Ilaria Rizzato, Francesca Strik Lievers and Elisabetta Zurru. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scolars Publishing. In press

Rossi Micaela

M. Rossi (2021) Termes et métaphores, entre diffusion et orientation des savoirs, « La Linguistique » vol. LVII, fasc. 1/2021
M. Rossi (2019) Métaphores et discours experts : conflit et cohérence à l’épreuve du transfert interlinguistique, « Langue française » 204, 2019, pp. 71-86
M. Rossi (2018) Métaphores et néologie : quelques réflexions sur la francisation des termes de l’économie et de la finance, « Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Seria Stiinte filologice Langues et littératures romanes », 1, 2018, pp.93-110
M. Rossi (2017) Terminological metaphors and the nomadism of scientific paradigms: Some thoughts on intralinguistic and interlinguistic variation, in A. Picton, P. Drouin, A. Francoeur (dir.), Current trends in terminological variation, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2017, pp.183-213
M. Rossi, (2015) In rure alieno. Métaphores et termes nomades dans les langues de spécialité, Berne, Peter Lang

Santini Laura

In corso di pubblicazione, "Conceptual metaphors, geography, literature, and the implications on the in-place or out-of-place of people and actions"

Strik Lievers Francesca

Bolognesi, M. & Strik Lievers, F. (2020). How language and image construct synaesthetic metaphors in print advertising. Visual Communication, 19(4), 431–457
Strik Lievers, F. & De Felice, I. (2019). Metaphors and perception in the lexicon. A diachronic perspective. In L. J. Speed, C. O’Meara, L. San Roque & A. Majid (eds.), Perception Metaphors. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 85–104
Strik Lievers, F. (2017). Figures and the senses. Towards a definition of synaesthesia. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 15(1), 83–101. Strik Lievers, F. (2016). Synaesthetic metaphors in translation. Studi e Saggi Linguistici LIV(1), 43–69
Strik Lievers, F. (2015). Synaesthesia: A corpus-based study of cross-modal directionality. Functions of language 22(1), 69–94

Tonti Michela

1. Michela Tonti, Le nom de marque dans le discours au quotidien : prisme lexiculturel et linguistique, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2020, 208 pp. (LABORATORIO@FRANCESISTI.IT); 2. Michela Tonti, « Ripolinage verdâtre », « ripolinage médiatique » ou « ripolinage sémantique » ? Analyse outillée du nuancier sémantique d’un nom de marque circulant dans Twitter, «REPÈRES DORIF», 2020, 22, pp. 1 – 20
3. Michela Tonti, « Autour de la métaphore : « le BHV de la pensée » ou comment décrire le réel par le biais d’un Nom de Marque », in Autour de la métaphore : de la métaphore cognitive et d’autres approches, Atti del Convegno dell’Università di Genova, 13-15 maggio 2019

Vicari Stefano

(2013), « Les termes métaphoriques dans les discours terminologiques sur les énergies renouvelables : statuts sémiotiques, fonctions et représentations », in Prandi M., Giaufret A., Rossi M. (dir.), Il ruolo della metafora nella creazione di terminologie, Genova, Genoa University Press, pp. 163-185
(2015), « Le rôle des essaims métaphoriques dans la construction d’un discours métalinguistique ordinaire partagé », Publifarum, 23, on-line. (2016) Pour une approche de la linguistique populaire en France. Prédiscours, attitudes, questions de confiance, Roma, Aracne editrice

Virdis Daniela Francesca

Daniela Francesca Virdis, E. Zurru and E. Lahey (eds), Language in Place: Stylistic Perspectives on Landscape, Place and Environment, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2021 (“Linguistic Approaches to Literature (LAL)”, volume no. 37), ISBN 9789027208415
Forthcoming. Environmental issues in the Victorian era: An ecostylistic examination of metaphor and framing use in J. Ruskin’s The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century (1884)
Daniela Francesca Virdis and G. Milia. Forthcoming. Exploring feminised landscapes in Victorian erotica: Ecocriticism meets sociology. --- “Sexualised Landscapes and Gentry Masculinity in Victorian Scenery: An Ecostylistic Examination of a Pornographic Novel from the Magazine The Pearl”, Journal of Literary Semantics: An International Review 48.2 (2019), pp. 109-128, ISSN 0341-7638. –-- “Eroticising Female and Male Bodies: A Linguistic Investigation of a Pornographic Novel from the Victorian Magazine The Pearl”, Porn Studies 2.1 (2015), pp. 19-34, ISSN 2326-8743 (print), 2326-8751 (online)